So where shall we begin? How about the first meeting of the term?

We started the term with a bang. Well, more of a snap of an air rifle as the Explorers indulged in a bit of shooting, ably led by Patrick. They also had a go at throwing tomahawks at a target. Not as easy as it looks, I can tell you!

The evening was nicely rounded off with a triple investiture.
It was with great pleasure that we welcomed 3 new Explorers; Anna, Elsie, and Daisy to Excalibur ?

For the following week, Excalibur took part in the County’s Dragon Boat Regatta.
There were only 3 Explorer teams, and we didn’t win… nor did we lose ?
It is a shame that more Units don’t join in, as it is good fun, who knows maybe next year!

As part of the world-wide family of Scouts, Excalibur gets the opportunity to get involved in international events.

Next Summer, Excalibur has 8 Explorers and one Leader going to France for a Jamboree organised by Berkshire Scouts.

WSJ Korea 2023/Project Africa 2023
Back in 2019 two 79th Scouts went to America for the 24th World Scout Jamboree (WSJ) and 6 (I think) went to Uganda as part of Project Africa.
All had very rewarding times, forging new friendships and seeing different parts of the world.
Summer 2023 brings the opportunity for the young people of 79th to attend the 25th WSJ in Korea or to visit Uganda.
A soon as we get further information about these events we will let you know.
There will be some fund raising activities to help offset the cost of these events. Please help our young people by supporting us.
We will be advertising these activities via our Facebook page, through email and, of course, on this site 🙂
We would be very grateful for any help that you can give us in achieving this.